Safety Protocol
I am pleased to inform you that we have deeply cleaned and re-organised our entire office at the Mill Valley Acupuncture Center during summer and worked as a team to maintain a Covid safety protocol.
In California, acupuncturists are primary care physicians and are allowed to remain open at all tiers of restrictions.
We are taking Covid precautions seriously. We always wear masks and require our patients to wear masks. Appointments are spaced out to ensure rooms are empty for a bit prior to each appointment. We are running extra HEPA filters at the entrance of our clinic and in the treatment rooms and rigorously disinfect with an EPA-registered disinfectant approved for use against SARS-CoV-2, the cause of Covid-19.
Additionally, we limit the number of practitioners working in the office and we have patients self-screen for any signs of illness before coming in.
We feel confident in our ability to keep everyone safe.
Our hearts are with those of you who are struggling with your health, or with isolation.
I am here for you if you need support.
Don’t hesitate to reach out.
Big (virtual) hugs,